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The NEW Rotoflex 200 Mk 2 Rotating Bed
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Representing a break-through in assistive technology, the enhanced Rotoflex 200 Mark 2 incorporates modular seat depth allowing four different choices plus the new option of an electrically height adjustable foot section – both a world’s first in turning bed systems. These advantages are only available on Theraposture’s Rotoflex which continues to be the most advanced and established solution on the market. • • Through 25 years of patented development, the electrically operated Rotoflex has been refined so that it provides the safest and most ergonomic method to get in and out of bed. It will power-assist a user from a recumbent to a fully upright seated position at the side of the bed. • • With vertical lift in this seated position users can achieve more controlled sit-to-stand transfers – it intentionally will not tip users forward unlike some copies. • • By reducing the need for carers from two-to-none in many situations, the Rotoflex is proven to save over £27,000 in annual care costs. • • Tel: 0800 834654 • •
Keywords: rotating bed, adjustable bed, height adjustable bed, height adjustable foot section of bed
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