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Octane xRide elliptical seated cross trainer - clip 2
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xRide elliptical seated cross trainer There are two versions of this seated cross trainer, a commercial version as used in gyms and physiotherapy departments, which is probably the one shown in clip 1, and the domestic version, as seen in clip 2. Miss B, fshd, having seen clip 1, tries out the Octane xRide for herself. She agrees with Bill. She finds that an elasticated belt holds the knees in place just as effectively as two assistants. Published on YouTube on Nov 27, 2012 2015: There is now one of these machines in the Sports Park at UEA (University of East Anglia, UK) - if you know of other locations, please add in a comment. Bill H, Oakcrest resident and recovering stroke patient tries the xRide recumbent elliptical and states the clear differences between the and the seated stepper often used in rehab and active aging circumstances. Uploaded to YouTube on Dec 18, 2008 by Miss B, fshd, having seen the clip above, tries out the xRide for herself. She agrees with Bill. She finds that an elasticated belt holds the knees in place just as effectively as two assistants. Published on YouTube on Nov 27, 2012
Keywords: stroke fshd fsh muscular dystrophy amputee
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