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SignVideo at Work
SignVideo at Work from SignVideo on Vimeo.
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Are you a deaf BSL user? Whatever your job, SignVideo BSL video interpreting services can help you communicate easily and professionally over the telephone or face-to-face, with your hearing colleagues. This can be funded via the Access to Work scheme. As a SignVideo customer, you have instant access to an experienced, qualified British Sign Language video interpreter within minutes if not seconds, via your PC or Mac, or Android / iOS tablet or smartphone. You can use SignVideo to make and receive phone calls just like anyone else via our Video Relay Services (VRS) and if you are busy, a video answering machine will take a BSL-interpreted message for you, so that you can return the call. In addition to enabling hassle free phone calls, our remote BSL video interpreting solution also breaks down those common communication barriers at work that deaf employees often face. Being a deaf-led business ourselves, we understand that sometimes, the limited availability of a BSL interpreter for last minute meetings can be problematic and frustrating. In this situation, deaf employees are disadvantaged but we strive to solve this problem for you. With SignVideo, you can connect to a professional, fully-qualified BSL interpreter when a meeting takes place and be fully involved. Your productivity at work will increase and you can communicate equally with your hearing colleagues without barriers. About SignVideo: Born in 2004, SignVideo is led by Jeff McWhinney, a well-known deaf entrepreneur who fights tirelessly for equality of the deaf and hearing community. Today, SignVideo, a predominantly deaf-led organisation, provides their service to the government, NHS, councils, UK banks, telecommunications providers, helplines and many other types of organisations. Read more and connect with SignVideo on social media at
Keywords: SignVideo, British Sign Language, BSL, deaf, BSL Video interpreting, Video Relay Service, VRS, Video Remote Interpreting, VRI
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