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Boarding a train by wheelchair in France

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J'ai décidé de partager avec vous les vidéos de mes aventures en fauteuil roulant. • • Cette fois-ci, je vous montre comment cela se passe pour prendre le train. Pour cela, il vous suffit de bien vous organiser à l'avance en réservant votre demande d'accompagnement en gare et le tour est joué ! • • Vous pourrez trouver toutes les informations à ce sujet sur le site . Pour ma part, je le fais à chacun de mes voyages. Alors, il ne me reste plus qu'une chose à vous dire : 1, 2, 3, voyagez !! • • Published on Apr 14, 2014 • • Here is the video text in English: • • Taking the train in a wheelchair. • • Today's objective: take the train in a wheelchair. In most cases, I go in my chair on my own as far as the station. As usual, it's a bit shaky. After 10 minutes, here I am finally at the station! • • To take the TGV in a wheelchair, there is an extra access service allowing for support in getting on and off the train. On the day of travel, you have to report to reception 30 minutes before departure in order to be supported. The staff member takes you up to the door of the train and asks you to wait while the equipment is fetched. • • The wait is longer or shorter depending on the station. Here comes the lift platform that will allow me to get onto the train. All you have to do is wheel onto it in your chair by a fold-down ramp. Once you're in place, the platform rises to the level of the train (this is a speeded up version!). • • Once up, I can very easily enter the train because I'm level with the floor of the carriage. You have to turn round to be able to get the chair into the best position for getting through the door of the carriage (there, I admit you do have to know how to manage your vehicle!) • • Inside the train there's a dedicated space where it's easy to position the chair. Your companion's seat is just beside it. Once installed, here I am ready for my trip, happy and in a good mood! • • At the arrival station, same principle, the staff member is waiting for you at the exit to the train with the platform for getting off. Suffice it to say that in these conditions, I see no reason to deprive yourself of travel! Even in a wheelchair, it's completely doable. • • (You can even be met in the rain!) [English translation courtesy of Miss Howard]

Keywords: france train sncf


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