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Accessible Walks with Wheelchairs in BarrierFree Germany

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After The Famous Five comes….. The Famous Four, recruited by TOG to carry out a special – and very important – investigation. • • Destination: Germany. Mission: to put to the test the German BarrierFree provision for wheelchair users. Just how barrier free is it? • • Access The Outdoor Guide (AccessTOG) works with Debbie North to make the inaccessible accessible for people with disabilities, their families and their friends. • • The starting point is Newcastle where we board the DFDS Seaways ferry for the 15 hour overnight sailing to Amsterdam. • • With a 2,000-mile road trip ahead of us on the other side we opt to use a Land Rover Discovery, the perfect vehicle for four people, luggage, Canon camera equipment from Park Cameras, wheelchair and ramps. Kitted out with our TOG branded gear from Stadium Sports we were ready! • • Oh, and don’t forget our Keepcups! (At the end of the journey we estimated that we had 54 cups of take-way coffee. And we did it without having to throw away a single paper cup). • • My wheelchair for the adventure is the Whill PEV ( (personal electronic vehicle), a very compact machine which easily folds to fit in the boot. We found that Outwell have some great accessories for long car journeys too, one of our favourites was the portable mini fridge, that stopped our sandwiches going soggy! • • We pre-book a wheelchair accessible cabin so when we board we are guided to a parking space close to lifts, where there are plenty of space and ramps, making it a straightforward job to get the wheelchair off the vehicle. We will give you the full low down on DFDS later. • • Watch more:

Keywords: acccessible walks, walks for wheelchairs, TGA Whill powerchair


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