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Firefly wheelchair attachment clips on to your wheelchair and gets you to 12mph
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The Firefly is an amazing power attachment for your manual wheelchair. • • It simply clips on and gets you up to 12mph! It is easily removed when not in use due to the simple brackets that remain on your wheelchair. • • It is ideal for getting out and about and shopping around town, getting to and around college, enjoying country lanes and forest paths and tackling inclines. • • It can attach to a folding wheelchair or a fixed frame wheelchair but the wheelchair cannot have 'swing away legs'. • • Smaller or younger users can have a simple custom frame attached and there is a dedicated team on hand to help on 028 92 633 798. • • The Firefly gives you a bit more freedom and is great fun to use!
Keywords: Wheelchair attachment, wheelchair power, Firefly wheelchair attachment, Firefly wheelchair
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