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Sign language leads to good customer relations and more sales
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A mother and her hearing-impaired daughter were moved so much after a Chick-Fil-A employee used sign language while taking their order that the mom shared the touching moment on social media. • • For the first time in her life, Cynthia Walker, a 20-year-old hearing-impaired woman, was able to order her meal at the restaurant in Fayetteville, North Carolina by signing. Her mom, Terri Buelman, says she was surprised and overjoyed when she realized the cashier knew and used sign language. • • Buelman says it was the first time Cynthia was able to order something without feeling uncomfortable with people staring at her. • • "People just look at her, then they look at us at what we do, so we had to order for her," explains the mom about previous situations. • • Buelman says they heard about a cashier at the Chick-Fil-A who knew sign language and had helped other hearing-impaired customers with their orders. • • When they went there, they found Taylor Anez, a high school senior. After hesitating, Cynthia started signing and was surprised when Anez signed back. It was a monumental step of freedom for the young woman. • • The restaurant manager didn't know Anez could sign, but the young cashier says her relatives are deaf and she learned so she could communicate with them. • • Cynthia's story and the video have gone viral. Her family has set up a GoFundMe page to help raise money to get her a hearing service dog. • •
Keywords: hearing impaired deaf ASL restaurant diner BSL
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