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Innovation for Inclusion - Inclusion through Innovation
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Having spent much of the developing time of the #Alinker with the users, learning from what the Alinker needed to become in order to be the vehicle for #inclusion it is today, apparently makes Barbara Alink quite unique. • • She mentors young designers and entrepreneurs and her first questions are always, "Have you talked to the users? Who are your customers and have you talked to them?" and she feels they get a look of fear in their eyes, a shock... • • "I realize more and more that people are scared to talk to each other when there is 'something' that is different. Empathy is often present in thinking about the user, wanting to solve 'their' problems, but actually engaging and talking to 'them' is not happening... • • I am being invited to facilitate a workshop at the big annual #TED conference in Vancouver 24th-28th April, 2017, and also at the Shenzhen Design Week, Biennale... because I actually talk with the people I design for which is very much reflected in how the #Alinker is changing the lives of the users. • • And so I am just not sure whether that is a compliment, or a very sad statement about many designers and entrepreneurs... • • If we are serious about #inclusion, we cannot 'talk' about it, we need to be part of it. Be willing to be #uncomfortable and truly #connect with each other. • • Here is the video we made for the Shenzhen Design Week 深圳設計周 (thanks to Stijn Lauwen - • • I would love to hear what you think!" • • Barbara Alink, Founder & CEO of the The Alinker Inventions Ltd. (Top 5 SheEO Canadian Venture, Small Business BC Awards Top 5 Innovation) Inventor, Architect, Designer, Mentor, Humanitarian The Alinker Promo for Shenzhen Design Week - April 2017
Keywords: alternative inclusive mobility
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