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R82 Gazelle PS Standing Frame - Lily Mae Hip Abduction Case Study with Frances George
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Frances George, physiotherapist at Humberstone Park Special School, Grimsby has been working with Lily Mae (4 years) who has had a dislocated left hip since birth as well as other health issues. • • Lily Mae had no independent sitting balance and was in supine position at 30° off upright. She started using Gazelle at home over Easter, standing upright to 85° for periods of 15 minutes increasing in recent months to 1.5+ hours daily which can be split into different sessions. • • Following a further tendon release in September, Lily Mae will use the Gazelle to maintain further hip abduction and hopefully improve her MP. • • For further information on the Gazelle PS please read our interactive workbook visit our website
Keywords: Standing Frame
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