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'Magical' robotic device made with 3D printer allows disabled toddler to lift her arms
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'Magical' robotic device made with 3D printer allows disabled toddler to lift her arms and pick up objects for the first time in her life • • • • For the first time in her short life, 2-year-old Emma can lift up her arms all by herself. • Emma suffers from arthrogryposis multiplex congenita, a condition that affects her muscle strength. • With the help of a set of 'magical arms' that were made with a 3D exoskeleton printer, the toddler now has the strength to draw and pick things up. Slowly, but surely, Emma started to develop. But, as she grew, she did not gain enough strength to move her arms. • Then, her parents learned about WREX, a device made of hinged metal bars and resistance bands. The device enables kids with underdeveloped arms to play, feed themselves and hug, according to Stratasys, the 3D printing company that helped produce Emma's personalized WREX. • Because Emma only weighs 25lbs, a special, light weight WREX was made for her with a 3D printer. • • Published on Jun 22, 2015
Keywords: child arm lift support exo-skeleton magic arms
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