Access information made easy with video
How to access the Houses of Parliament
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(with optional subtitles) 1) 0:00 Welcome to Westminster Tanni, Baroness Grey-Thompson welcomes visitors to the Houses of Parliament and explains how these historic buildings are open to everyone. 2) 00:57 Getting Here Access information for visitors travelling to the Houses of Parliament at Westminster by bus, underground, train, taxi, car and river boat. 3) 4:51 Getting In Information for visitors about entering the Houses of Parliament, security arrangements and some useful tips about what to bring and what not to bring. 4) 7:30 Getting Around The assistance available to visitors once inside the Houses of Parliament including step-free routes, wheelchair loan, hearing loops, and facilities for assistance dogs. 5) 9:48 Taking a Tour Explains the range of tours offered at the Houses of Parliament (including Big Ben), and the options available to visitors with restricted mobility, sight loss and hearing loss. 6) 13:01 Refreshments and Toilet Facilities Highlights the catering facilities available to visitors to the Houses of Parliament, and gives details (including dimensions) of the accessible and ‘Changing Places’ toilets. Published on Sep 8, 2014
Keywords: Westiminster, Houses of Parliament, Big Ben, Changing Places, democracy, MP, lobby, politics, political
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