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Tom Neil, last surviving RAF 'Ace' from the Battle of Britain demonstrates the functionality of his Theraposture Rotoflex bed.

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With the assistance of powered profiling, height adjustment and rotational movement 96-year-old Tom is able to access his bed independently and sleep better at night. • • There is only one Rotoflex - it is the proven and trusted turning bed system that moves you from a lying to seated position in a controlled and safe manner. It ensure sit-to-stand transfers are more controlled and is ideal for people with restricted mobility and neurological conditions such as MS and Parkinson's. • • For further information on the Rotoflex, call Theraposture on: Freephone 0800 834654 • • Email: • • • • Published on Jun 19, 2017

Keywords: rotating bed, independent living, independence, height adjustable bed


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